03/12/2020 -
Marta Beltrán (Granada, 1977) explores the expansion of drawing from her daily record. Her main motivation is the representation of the female figure and the expression of unconscious and emotional contents through which she approches a new subjective narrative, inspired by film and literature. She has recently presented several institutional exhibitons as the result of the awards received (Grant Daniel Vázquez Díaz, Drawing Award DKV-MAKMA, Drawing Award Gregorio Prieto). This is her first solo exhibition in Puxagallery and has the support of the Spanish Ministry of Culture. She has also participated with the gallery in some international art fairs.
Marta Beltrán
Julián y Elena, 2019
Tintas de color sobre papel
130 x 190 cm
Marta Beltrán
Corazón Salvaje, 2019
Tintas de color sobre papel
183 x 128 cm
Marta Beltrán
Eyes of Stranger II, 2018
Tintas de color sobre papel
29,7 x 42 cm
Marta Beltrán
Eyes of a Stranger, 2018
Tintas de color sobre papel
128 x 192 cm
Marta Beltrán
Frances, 2016
Tinta sobre papel
29,7 x 42 cm
Marta Beltrán
Stolen Life, 2015
Tinta sobre papel
115 x 150 cm
Marta Beltrán
Mademoiselle, 2015
Tinta china sobre papel
42 x 29,7 cm
Marta Beltrán
El honor perdido de K.B., 2016
Tinta sobre papel
135 x 200 cm
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