Ramón Isidoro

The scenographer and visual artist, Ramón Isidoro (Valencia de don Juan, 1964) is the author of numerous paintings, installations, photographs, and assemblages, which are held in significant public and private collections. For a quarter of a century his exhibitions continue to explore the visible and invisible lights, ephemeral or perennial, which arise from a silence understood as a vital obsession and captured in suggestive compositions dominated by austerity and the practice itself. His work adopts half-hidden melodies of matter under thin layers of paint which he applies while he tackles site-specific projects and configures a constant crossroads of musical symphonies unsuitable for the superficial gaze. This artist, committed to the skin of paint, always demands a commitment from the beholder and a contemplative attitude that rejects any sort of affectation and that is able to test human drives, poems and emotions.

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